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Anybody read any good books lately that you want to talk about?
I recently read Into The Free, by Julie Cantrell. Julie was actually a guest on the blog a few weeks ago, and soon after that, her book, her debut novel no less, hit the NYT Bestseller List! Amazing, isn’t it?
And yea, I admit to going a little green. I’m not sure how that happens. Is it just a lot of good buzz, lots of interest and word of mouth that suddenly catapults a book to that status? Of course the book IS good, but I’ve always wondered what the process for becoming an overnight sensation is.

But I truly LOVED this book. It did raise some questions in my mind, but I hear there is a sequel on the way, so perhaps those things will come up in the next book. I just loved Julie’s prose and the way she drew me write into Millie’s world, as horrible as it was at times. Well, most of the time. It’s very satisfying to me when I do read a book that stays with me long after the last page is turned. Unfortunately that’s not always the case with a lot of books I pick up these days.

So let’s talk. What’re you reading?