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WOO!! Here we go! I had so much fun talking with Carried Schmidt. We’re kind of new friends, we met online last year after she reviewed The Things We Knew and she was so amazingly gracious – we started chatting and got to know each other, and here we are, and OH yes, we got to meet in person this past summer in Nashville!!

if you don’t know Carrie, you’re going to love her, trust me. And you have to check out her blog right away for all the latest about our favorite subject – BOOKS!! Reading Is My Superpower is a great resource for readers and authors alike! Due to technical glitches, I’ve had to split our chat into a few sections, but I hope you enjoy getting to know Carrie today!

And here I thought Carrie had been blogging for years! She’s so good at it! And you guys, wait until you hear how many books this woman reads in a year!! But that’s coming up. Now we’re going to find out a little more about the kinds of books Carrie loves the most, and I’m going to ask her a tough question. 🙂

Well that was too much fun! Don’t forget, readers, go check out the Christian Fiction Readers Retreat website, and sign up for this year’s retreat!!

Okay, let’s see, what else can we talk about? Oh, I know, how about more books? Or we could just . . . chat.

OH!! Our connection cut out again!! The suspense is killing me! What’s your favorite book, Carrie??!!

Well, I don’t know about you, but I’m definitely looking forward to talking to Carrie again! (Will you come back, Carrie, or did I scare you away forever?!)

If you have any questions for us about books, writing or our amazing pooches, please leave a comment and keep the conversation going!

Thanks for participating in my very first Friday Fun Chat, Carrie, and thanks to all of YOU for watching!!

So let’s see, anyone out there beat Carrie’s record for books read in a year?