
I talk a lot about facing my fears. Um, yeah. I know. That’s our least favorite thing, right? For me, one of my biggest battles is self-image. Because I’m introverted, I tend to keep to myself. I’m not great at talking on the phone (I hate it), and I don’t like to put myself out there in video. Vlogging? No. Never. Like, Never Ever. At All.


Since I’m going to be celebrating my new book’s release pretty soon, and I really want to connect with my readers in tangible ways, my fear of getting behind the camera is going to have to take a back seat. So here we go.

And Β . . . hopefully I’ll get better at this with more practice. πŸ™‚

It’s pretty awkward and maybe a little silly, but there’s a nice view of the ocean.

Did I have fun?
Kind of.

(AND YEAH – Dumb blond moment – in the video I say Lynette is 26!! She’s not. She’s 24. So there’s that. Oy. Anyhooo … carry on).